
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

That old Love/Hate Relationship

This past weekend, I took a quick trip home to visit my family and my home church family. It was such a sweet time of reunion and fellowship and relaxation, I did not want to come home. So, on Monday, I got a substitute to teach my classes so I could have one more day at home. I discovered a very curious thing when I returned. MY STUDENTS MISSED ME! Now, this would not seem like an extraordinary thing to a teacher of young children because you become almost like a second mom to those kids. But, when you are a teacher of teens, it is a whole different world. I sometimes find myself being told very bluntly things about my teaching style or how dull the day's material is, or something along those lines. So, I naturally assumed that when I gave them a day off from my presence that they would be as happy as I was to get a day away. Nothing could be further from the truth. One student drew me a picture in which I was the mother fish leading my little "school" behind me, just to show how much I was missed. I guess you never realize how MUCH of an impact you have till you are not there. What made me even prouder today about being a high school teacher was the fact that my students who were old enough today that went out to vote came and told me all about it and how excited they were. It is nice to know that I have helped them to understand WHY we vote and how important it is that we DO vote while we still have that option. Hopefully they never lose that sense of patriotism and civic duty.

On another vein, I realized today how much of a traditionalist I really am. While I was standing in line today to wait to vote, I noticed quite a hang up in front of me. A lot of the "older" folks (have to be careful here as some of my readers may object to the use of "older" to describe them) had signed up for the "mail-in" voting option but then had forgotten to mail them in. I found that in and of itself rather humorous. Anyways, when my turn finally came and the little lady checked my id and got my paper work in order, she looked up at me and asked me if I would like my future ballots mailed to me. I did not even bat an eye-lash..."No thanks" I said. "Oh, ok," she said, seemingly startled. "Nah," I said, "I like to kick this the old school way." I do not know what it is about voting but it makes me feel so American. I really doubt I would get that same sense of pride if I mailed my vote in. So, while it may seem easier to mail and forget about will find me at the polls until I am one of the "older" folks.


  1. I am an "older" folk, I guess. hahaha. I have to do it by mail; otherwise I can't get to the polls in time! But I too loved the feeling of actually walking in and voting. Plus, you get a sticker! :)

  2. And then I think I'll find you volunteering at those same polls! :) Love the picture drawn for you....ADORABLE!!! Hope you had a great visit home.
