
Tuesday, June 29, 2010


The female mind is a curious thing. Perhaps this is why the subject of psychology fascinates me. Even though I am a girl and have a girl mind, I am still baffled by how my mind works. Last night when I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth before bed, I discovered to my horror, there was a spider dangling down from a little string of a web. All night long, although I knew that my bed was clean and that there were no bugs in my bed,I FELT their presence.

Then, today, I decided, due to the spider and his unfortunate presence in my home, that the house MUST be scrubbed and sanitized. Now, in the back of my mind I realize that this is nature and that I have a big yard and lots of bushes and trees outside and bugs happen. My sweet husband is very patient with me as well. He grew up in Florida where the CLEANEST person in the world will have the occasional bug, especially during the rainy season when they are simply seeking a new, dry home.He reminds me of this fact every time I find a bug and then proceed to scrub and clean and bleach everything. Now, I grew up in South Dakota and Wyoming. In those parts, the clean people MAYBE saw one or two ants on occasion, but any other bug was a big, flashing, neon sign that said, "dirty, filthy, vile pig lives here." It is an adjustment.

So, my crazy female mind needs to make the switch quickly otherwise I shall scrub my way into the proverbial corner. And, knowing my luck...there would be a spider in that corner.

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