
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pass the Mustard Seed Please

Been reading lately about people of faith. The one I am so impressed by is Elijah. God told him to go talk to the most hated, nasty, yuck of a king that Israel had ever had. Not only was Elijah supposed to go and talk to this guy, he was supposed to go tell him that because of the KING'S mistakes and sins, the land would not get any rain. Then, God tells Elijah to go hide himself by a brook. Elijah goes. But, what about food? No problem...Elijah waits on God and low and behold God provides food twice a day and water from the brook. Then, God dries up the brook. Now, this is where I would say, "Ok, well I tried my best to live a life for God but clearly my purpose here is done, so I think I will go back to my air conditioned tent now." But Elijah just waits for God to tell him where to go next. Where does God send him? He sends Elijah to the home of a widow who has enough food for herself and her son and then they are dead. But, Elijah had faith in God and through his faith, the widow and her son also gain faith in God and His providence.

Here I am in the 21st century. I serve the same God as Elijah, and yet I fail to ask God to do the same things. God can do the same things now that He did then. All I need is a mustard seed worth of faith, and I lack that. I want to be an Elijah in this world!!

1 comment:

  1. I miss you Amy! You are always such a blessing to be with and around! (and an example to me!) Hope your soccer games don't kill you.... you are such a good wife... i would say record them we are watching Say Yes to the Dress! ha! I am formulating a vist! Can you handle all of this pregnant lady? I eat alot! : ) I will call you soon! Its been too long!
