
Monday, December 20, 2010

How to save a dollar

Recently I saved a bundle at the grocery store and on Christmas presents. I had someone ask me how I do it, and I felt like I needed to share. Here are my "top secrets" on how to save money at the super market.

1. You CANNOT be brand exclusive. If there is a coupon for $1.00 off of Pop Secret popcorn and it makes it cheaper than your normal brand, then you buy that and just deal with the subtle differences.

2. Cut coupons. Even if I doubt that I might ever use the coupon, I still cut it out. You never know when you will use a coupon, so clip them all.

3. Get double papers. I always buy two papers on Sunday. This way you have two coupons for each item. For instance, when Publix has something buy one get one free, you can use one coupon on the one you buy and on the one you get for free. For instance, yesterday I had a coupon for two dollars off two bags of hashbrowns. Publix already had them on sale Buy one Get one. So, by the time I was done, each bag of hashbrowns only cost about 45 cents.

4. ALWAYS have the coupons in your purse. You never know when you might be in the grocery store.

5. Categorize the coupons by brand makes it really easy to find what you need because each store puts things in different isles.

Hope these tips help you get started. It is slow and steady....but once you get the hang of it, you will never be able to stop.

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