
Saturday, November 27, 2010


So, today I turn 25 years old. I have been out and about all day being busy shopping and spending time with family. Today's post is short. It is a list of things that in 25 years have proven to be true, over and over again. Life lessons if you will.

1. EVERYTHING changes...except God
2. In the end, all you have is keep them close
3. Best friends happen only once or twice in a lifetime, so keep them matter how far in "miles" that close may be.
4. The toast ALWAYS falls jelly side down
5. The one time you forget the cell phone at home, that is the time you get a flat tire, run out of gas, and run out of money.
6. Money does not grow on trees but that is ok because money cannot buy happiness anyways
7. Babies are a miracle and every one is "the greatest thing ever"
8. Sisters are one of God's greatest gifts
9. No day is so horrible that a dozen roses cannot brighten it in an instant
10. I would rather order in Chinese and sit in my PJs with my hubby than dine in the fanciest of restaurants.
11. The best things in life are free...except perhaps a good latte.
12. It is possible to be the crazy coupon lady by age 25
13. Working with teens keeps you humble because if you have a flaw, they find a way to magnify it
14. The best gifts are the ones that you never outgrow, use up, or break...they are the memories that you make with those you love.
15. A good laugh that hurts your ribs, makes you cry, and wrinkles your face are the best medicine (thanks for many of those Krista and Ryan)
16. It never rains but it pours
17. The one day you can sleep in is the one day you never get to sleep in
18. You get the MOST hungry when you are sitting in Sunday matter how much breakfast you ate before you went
19. Vacations go by at warp speed
20. Time really does fly...even when you are not having fun
21. The day you leave out your new shoes is the day your dog is craving that "new shoe" flavor.
22. Do not tell your husband "Oh, I don't want anything for my birthday" if you really do want something because they DO take it literally.
23.Fireworks will never stop being magical
24. Do not eat messy food while wearing your favorite white shirt
25. Never leave home without chewing gum.

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