
Friday, November 5, 2010

It Could Be Worse

Lately I have been feeling kind of down about our house. When we bought this house I thought to myself, "Well, this is it. Now, we have an investment. We are not just throwing money away to a landlord we are working toward owning our own house." Then, the water pipes sprung a leak, the washer and dryer broke down, and the electric bills and water bills started flowing in. Suddenly, I found myself wishing at times we had never bought this "money pit" (as I have decided named our little home).

However, every once and I while I think it is a good exercise to remind yourself that it "could be worse." When I was a little girl my Grandpa had a book that he loved and we loved to have him read it. It was called "It Could Be Worse" (sorry grammar friends, I cannot for the life of me remember if you italicize books or put quotes around them). Anyway, in the book the Grandpa is telling the kids a story and it sounds terrible and all these bad things happen but the Grandpa reminds the kids that it really could be worse. Like, "A dinosaur stepped on my head" but the Grandpa said, "It could have been worse, he could have bit your head off." (My words, not the books).

Well, today was my "could be worse" moment. I had actually just finished lamenting my water pipes in the house when the news aired a new story. It was about a family who had defective insulation or siding or something of that nature in their home. As a result, a colony of bees had taken up residence INSIDE their walls. So, coming out of the light sockets, at the seams in the wall, through the tiles in the bathroom, was honey. I really do not think it gets much worse than that. First you have the sticky factor and then you have the bees in the walls, but then you also have the bugs that come to get in on the honey action.

So, regardless of how many times a day I used to complain about my water pipes I have decided that I am done complaining about this problem... until the bees inhabit my walls.

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