
Monday, November 22, 2010

Divided Heart

This is the first time in the history of my marriage that I have been separated from my husband over a holiday. Ryan had to work REALLY hard this week. He has tons of responsibilities to fulfill at work so there was not going to be any way for him to get away for the whole week. When we first got married, Ryan made me a promise that since my birthday is so close to Thanksgiving, we would always make the journey to be with my family. Well, this is the first year that he will not be able to do that. So, he sent me alone, with the promise that he will be meeting me up here for Thanksgiving lunch. It is so hard to be apart. On the one hand, I am having so much fun with my parents and sister and brother-in-law. On the other hand, it is like half of me is gone. Tonight at dinner I kept waiting for Ryan to put his tomatoes from his salad on my plate (because he hates them) but they never came. We played a game after dinner and I kept thinking of answers Ryan would give to the game or clues he could give me that would help me to answer the question. The dog with along with me and he has never been so badly behaved in all his life (because he knows the authoritarian is far away). In 24 hours he has dug a whole to China in the back yard, gotten sick multiple times, and broke the screen door off my parents back door. If Ryan was here, none of that would go on. It just goes to show that two become one and life is never the same. I am cherishing this time with my parents, but I will be thrilled to have Ryan here with me again.

1 comment:

  1. I love this one Amy! I'm realizing all these things too slowly but surely. We were truly blessed when we were given our husbands! God knew just who to put us with too! : )
