
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Do you have 70 cents?

Today was a weird day of strange events. It all started last night when EVERY hour at either 22 minutes after the hour or 44 minutes after the hour I would spring awake and panic that I was late for work. So, needless to say, I was exhausted this morning when I finally woke up at the right time. Then, on my way to work, I stopped at a red light. I try to listen to music and sing my way to work so that way I will arrive in a happy mood. So, there I sat, singing away, when suddenly a man appeared at my passenger side window. Now, aside from the fact that he was wearing what I like to call serial killer glasses, red suspenders, and a scary hat....he was a stranger. I still follow my parents simple rules: "don't talk to strangers", "don't run with scissors" and "don't eat the yellow snow." So, of course, I tried to ignore him, but he persisted to stand at my window. I rolled the window down enough for him to speak through and NOTHING ELSE. He then asked me if I could spare .70 cents. Really?? Seventy cents???? What can you even buy for 70 cents? It caught me so off guard that I just said, "No, I don't" and drove away. I wondered why he looked at me funny when I left. I looked down and right there in plain sight was a cupholder full of change. I felt like such a liar.
Finally, I got myself off the scary streets of Clearwater and got to school. One of my students today asked me to come over to them cause they needed to tell me something. They then proceeded to inform me that they had a wedgie. I failed to see why I needed to know that. I just walked away and told him to pick it. What else was I supposed to say?

However, in the midst of all the weirdness, I had a wonderful moment, which made the weird seem to vanish. I had just finished doing a new learning activity which was WAY outside of my comfort zone. The bell rang before we had time to finish it completely. One of my most disinterested students looked at me and said, "Is it really over already?" "Yes, it is" I told him. He said, "Wow, it went so fast, that means I really had fun today." I wanted to cry. Finally they learned something but actually enjoyed doing it. It was as if my student just handed me a million dollars...or maybe .70 cents?


  1. 1. Hilarious. Especially the wedgie.
    2. I want to know what activity you were doing!!!

  2. Actually, we were in Government doing Seminar about the Declaration of Independence. I really was pretty much sure in my brain it was going to be a dud but it actually went well.

  3. A great story and funny I almost wet my pants laughing, very funny.

  4. I so enjoyed reading this hilarious new blog! Thanks for posting and sharing your funny, strange incidences along with your heart-felt moments.
