
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Shakin' Things Up

Yesterday I was sitting in my classroom, feeling slightly overwhelmed with all the work I have to get done before my 71 students come rolling in on Monday. I decided to get up, take a quick walk to clear my head, and then come back and get some more work done. When I got back my jaw dropped to the floor. Earlier in the month I had gone into work to arrange my desks in a new way and when I came in, they were all gone and there was a pile of desks in the corner by my desk. At first I wanted to cry. I was so distressed because, me being me, I wanted all my ducks in the row and at that time I was neck deep in lesson plans and felt I did not have time to rearrange my room. However, once I got my attitude in check I realized how wonderful this situation was. Because we are a small private school sometimes we have to make do with what we have because there is not a ton of money. So, for us to get "new" desks that are all the same (because for the last two years I have had three different kinds of desks in my room because that is what we had) was nothing short of wonderful. So, I realized that this was even better than what I had before and before I knew it, I had rearranged the room and now it is even better situated to accomplish the new learning tasks we have this year. Sometimes blessings take you by surprise and you need a couple of hours to process how great the blessing really is. So, to whoever sold my school 21 new desks for such a bargain basement price...I thank you!!!

1 comment:

  1. There are a couple of cliches which are appropriate here. "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade", "There is a silver lining behind every cloud", and one which is not cliche but comes from the Bible: "They that wait upon the Lord, shall remew their strengh...". All good advice. Also, your new desks mean everything is matchy, matchy, and will be sooo much more semetrical!! Enjoy those new desks.
