
Saturday, February 12, 2011

It's a Thankless Job....but Somebody has to do it.

I was watching an old television show the other day. The particular episode I was watching was about a school teacher who went out and purposely found a teenager who had never been to school before and made him go to school and learn. It was a difficult process for the student and for the teacher. However, at the end, the student stands up in front of the WHOLE town and tells everyone how "Miss King" (The teacher) changed his life and how without her, he wouldn't "know nothin' about nothin'." The episode ended and I found myself saying, "yeah that would ever happen."

Ever since I was about 10 years old, I knew I wanted to be a teacher. I loved school myself (I know...nerd alert!!!) so I figured what could be better than getting to be in school everyday and be paid for it. I never realized though how much the American teenager can drain someone of energy and make you fear your future at the same time. There are those days, where I have taught about the "Battle of the Bulge" four times in a row and had the same silly comments made or weird questions asked, that forces me to wonder how I could have possibly thought this was fun. However, you have those days where you teach a lesson and the students have that "lightbulb" moment and it all becomes worth it again.

So, I may not be the kind of teacher than inspires any "you changed my life speeches" but its the job I love and I will do it until God moves me to do something new.

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