
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Climb, climb up laundry no breezes blow

Well, school is in session. Ryan and I actually said that to each other the other day. Now, to some, that may seem kind of obvious. But, in our house, school season has not officially done until you wake up for work one day and the husband has no clean socks and all your "school" outfits are in the laundry. I have been a wife for working on three years now and I think I may have finally found the solution to laundry mountain. My first year of marriage laundry went like this: I was under the delusion that the house must be kept in prime conditions at all times, so the laundry must also be kept in prime condition at all times. Ryan would come home from work and his work clothes would go in a laundry basket, my fancy school clothes had a basket and towels had a basket. Everything had a place. Ryan very seldom woke up for work and asked "do I have any shirts clean?" Year two: I was sick a lot of year two, but somehow, most of the time, the laundry was done properly. That was the year that we got the dog and so it was the year of the eaten socks. There were socks that just vanished and there was never an explanation until you went out into the yard and then you figured it out. THEN, year three rolled around. Now, I decided that there are things that matter more in spending time with your spouse or doing something you actually enjoy. So, laundry looks like this. I grab whatever dirty items I see, I throw them into the wash and then the dryer. Then I hang anything that should not wrinkle. That is step one. Step two happens on another day. That is the folding step. So, if you visit me in-between step 1 and 2, you may see a pile of clothes somewhere, but have no fear...they are clean. Finally, step 3 is the putting away process and I must say that this is the most "neglected" step because I hate it. However you slice it...I think laundry has been the bane of the female existence since Adam and Eve left the Garden, and we have yet to really find a way to make it better. Yeah, we do not have to go to the river and fight off the gators to get the clothes clean, but it is still a very time consuming process. If I were wealthy and had someone to do my bidding...I think I would still want to clean my house (there is a certain catharsis in it for me) but I would gladly show my hired help where the laundry room is and surrender my crown. Alas...this post must now end because I must begin my weekly climb up laundry mountain. See you on the other side.

1 comment:

  1. I will come fold laundry....I love folding laundry! I put the game on, and fold away! (Truly...I've done it for Denise, call me!)
