
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Its a Slow Process

As many of you who read this blog regularly are aware, we have had a water leak at our home for about 3 months. We have been roughing it while we figured out where the leak was, how to fix it, and who could fix it. Finally, this past week, we tore up a wall, part of the floor, and the entire guest bathroom in order to find the source of the offending water pipe. However, after a long search, we found that leak. It was a tiny hole on the underside of a half-inch water pipe. The hole itself was about the size of the hole in a ritz cracker. Not what you would call a gaping hole by any stretch of the imagination. Yet, it was this little hole that cost us an extra $100.00 per MONTH while we had the leak.

Sometimes when going through something as annoying as a situation like that is, we tend to overlook the "lesson" of it all. Now, I am not one of those people who tries to turn every situation in life into an object lesson, but this one just screamed at me to be noticed. When I saw that little hole in that water pipe, it struck me that sin is a lot like that hole. When the leak first started, Ryan and I did not even know it was there until we got the water bill for the month. We never heard water running or anything. However, by the time we got the pipe fixed, we could HEAR the water running in the pipes and out the leak. It was awful (I could feel the money rushing out of my pockets as the water leaked). I think a lot of times people offend us, say something rude, or slight us in some way and we just bury it hoping it will go away. However, given enough time, it will work itself into a BIGGER, and bigger hole in our life until it is an uncontrollable situation. It caused me to stop and think about the things I bury and how many of those things probably need to be unearthed and repaired. Something worth thinking about.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word! Who knew something THAT small could do such huge damage!?!?!? Much like our words! Good lesson for the New Year! Glad you finally got it fixed! Now you can go back to having your Starbucks.....venti sized! :)
