
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Yard Sale Watching

Some of my more faithful readers will probably remember that I wrote a rather lengthy blog last summer about the things you find at thrift stores. Today, I have a new rant...the PEOPLE who come to yard sales.

Yesterday I went to help a friend of mine run her yard sale. She was having a huge sale to help raise money to pay for the adoption of their first baby. It was a massive yard sale, so I went to help run the money table (me...the girl who cannot add was offering to help with the money table). the morning wore on, we met some very interesting people.

The first person who made an impression on me was the lady who came in an bought NOTHING except for a rather risque Mrs. Santa Clause outfit (not sure who donated that to the sale, but it was NOT me or the other lady hosting the sale). I was pretty much grossed out for life by this. Next, a little old man came up and bought a book. He took notice of the signs that said "All proceeds go towards our adoption" and said, "You could adopt me" and then gave a list of his merits that made him worthy to be adopted. Another woman came up and said, "Adoption? For what, like a dog?" I really wanted to say, "Do you really think we would do all this for a dog?" Next, a little old man came up and showed us some magic tricks while he shopped. It was rather creepy. Before he left, he purchased a butcher block full of knives and a chain saw....I had to wonder if he was going on a killing spree or was working on a new magic trick. Either way, it was a frightening train of thought to follow. The last lady I did not actually get to see, my friend told me about her. I donated a chair that I had purchased at a yard sale some months ago with the hope of trying my hand at a little do-it-yourself recovering of the chair. Well, needless to say, I never got around to it. The reason it needed to be recovered is that the fabric was early 1990s teal with bright purple, yellow, pink, red, and orange swirls all over it. It was awful. Well, on the first day of the yard sale, my friend sold that same chair to someone. This person claimed she was redoing her whole living room and the FABRIC on that chair was going to be the focal point and the jumping off point for the whole room. OUCH. Good luck chair buying lady...may the chair be very inspiring for you.

In spite of all the strange-ness, we made a dent in the adoption fund number. And, it was a interesting day of people watching for me. So, all in all, I call that a winning day.

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