
Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Worry Birds

We had our yard freshly mowed the other day. Because of that...the local "white worm eating birds" (Called this because I have no idea what their real name is) came in a huge flock to eat of the bounty in our backyard. I did not mind one bit, I thought they were really cute and kind of fun to watch. BUT, there was a member of our household who was NOT a fan of the birds being there. Every ten minutes or so Braddy (our dog) would go to the door and watch and watch and watch. When he could take it any longer he would hit the "whistle" on the back door (his signal that he wants out) and whine like crazy. So, every ten minutes he would dutifully chase those villainous birds out of the yard.

It made me think about worry. I am a worry wart as most of my close friends and family members can attest to. It is my greatest battle. I worry that I will oversleep for work, so I set three alarms. I worry sometimes that I forgot to turn off the coffee maker. I worry that guests will arrive and the food will taste terrible. I am sure there are some out there who can relate to me. I work hard to "chase those worry birds away" but they always come home to roost. I need to work on being more vigilant on not letting those birds land. I need to be a little more "dogged" in my determination to keep the birds of worry from stopping to roost.

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