
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Love is...

As some of you may know...the World Cup is upon us. For those of you who do not know what in the world that is a tournament of soccer. (Do not feel bad...I used to not know what it was either). Now, two and a half years ago, I had no concept of what this was, nor did I care. BUT, then I met Ryan and got married and here I find myself with two matches of soccer PER day from now until July. First of all, so much work on the part of those poor soccer players and 45 minutes later the score is still 0 to 0. At least with basketball, most of the time by half time you have at least 50 to 60 or something like that. Second of all, at soccer matches apparently spectators sit in the stands and from the start to the end of the game the fans blow these horrific horns that cause the stadium to sound like it is full of hornets.

When the world cup first began, I REALLY struggled with watching these games. But, then I realized something. Love is compromising. It is giving of yourself for the better of the other person. Then, I remembered something else. Every now and then I get into a mood and MUST watch retro television. When I am seized by one of these moods, I must watch marathons of "I Love Lucy", "Andy Griffith Show", or even (torture of torture) "The Brady Bunch." And I do not just watch one isolated episode...I watch whole seasons. Where is my husband when this happens? He is beside me, watching, laughing, (sometimes merely enduring the pain) with some Sour Patch Kids. But, he gives me that time. Even better is when he comes home (of his own free will) with popcorn and tells me we are watching a old black and white movie of my choice.

So, given those circumstances, for the next month, give me an annoying hornet-sounding horn and a tacky soccer jersey and watch me learn to love yet another sport.

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