
Monday, June 14, 2010

Virus Fever

This world we live in is a strange place. I remember when I was about 8 I had this hideously ugly jean purse that I had to buy with my own money because it was "so cool." I am sure my mom probably tried to talk me out of, at least I hope she did, but I had it anyways. Once we went to Wal-Mart and I had a quarter, so I went to the quarter machines to score some of the amazing prizes in those cheesy machines. Well, I left my purse there and got all the way to my car and was about to leave when I realized my purse was still on the machines. So, I ran back and there it was. No one touched it in that 5-10 minute window of time. (Now, I do take into account that no one probably wanted to steal it because they would have gotten a pencil, Lisa Frank note pad, and a Dr. Pepper Bonnie Bell Lip Smacker gloss). However, the fact remains, no one touched it.

Now here I sit in the world of technology. I just spent most of last night and this morning running every version of a virus detector/remover on my computer. What kind of person creates viruses? I mean, did they wake up one morning and decide, "Hey, my life has been pretty dull up till now working at the city dump, so I think I am going to create a virus that will destroy thousands of computers with the simple opening of an e-mail." AND, it is not just your computer that can be a happens to smart phones too. Facebook accounts get hacked and soon your Uncle Leroy or Aunt Matilda are posting things like "ooggaa booggaa" because their facebook is now controlled by some guy named Joe who made the virus in the first place.

I guess what I am saying is, what happened to the world where you could forget your purse on a chair in a restaurant or on top of the gumball machines and it would still be there when you remembered it? Where's Barney Fife when you need him to go on a rampage and nip those virus makers in the bud? Ok, rant over. More tomorrow...maybe something happier.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My favorite part of this is the Lisa Frank notepad. I had the matching pencil and folder to go with it:)
