
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Nothing Endures But Change

It has been said over and over again that "nothing endures but change." It is so true. I leave school every June and when I come back in the fall, I find that most of my students have gotten a good inch or two taller. Suddenly, those little middle schoolers grew up and now you have young adults that you are teaching rather than awkward little kids. You call a friend that you lost touch with and he has moved, she got married, they have two know the rest. You look at your self in the mirror and there is a wrinkle there that you've never seen before or there is a bulge in spots where there once was a slim, trim body. In my case, I looked in the mirror today to apply some makeup and I noticed that the laugh lines that I knew I would get being married to Ryan (he makes me laugh and smile more than anyone else I know) have made their debut appearance.

However, as I was driving around today noticing businesses that have moved out or moved in and houses that have been repainted, I realized something anew and afresh. GOD never, EVER changes. No matter what is different, no matter who moves in or moves out, no matter where I go, where I work, how times change...GOD IS ALWAYS the SAME. What a comforting thought to know that in a life where things are constantly changing and chaotic, God is always the same, reliable, steady, dependable, eternal, unchanging GOD.

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