
Tuesday, July 20, 2010


This past weekend you may have noticed a drop off in blog posts. That is because on Thursday we left for a weekend getaway to Georgia. We had an amazing time getting away from it all and spending quality time together as a couple. We went to a secluded little inn out in the Georgia mountains. It was so beautiful. One of the most wonderful parts of the vacation was the QUIET. There was no traffic at all so when you slept at night all you heard was rain, thunder, crickets, frogs, NATURE. It was beautiful. Also, the inn had NO televisions at all. So, as a couple, we had time to talk, get re-connected, go outside and spend time walking and talking, and we even played some card games together. It was a sweet, precious time together and I would do it again tomorrow.

It was a marriage what did we learn???? 1. We decided to make eating dinner together at the DINNER TABLE a priority. We discovered how much we had to say to each other when we SAT at the table and had the television off. It was a good thing to realize. 2. We need to make time to have fun together. We are married, we love each other, we are a family, but how much time do we spend having fun together? I think every couple should take time once and a while in their relationship, evaluate how things are going, get alone together, and then make the changes that you see need to be made. Change is not easy, but God wants to be included in your marriage...ask HIM to help.

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