
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Reasons to Smile

There are so many reasons to smile in this life. Now, beyond the eternally wonderful reason to smile at the gift of eternal life, there are some smaller, more inconsequential things to be happy for. Here is my list.

1. Eggs--there is never a bad way to eat an egg. Scrambled, boiled, fried...all are good.
2. Deodorant--I am daily thankful for the fact that I live in a modern world where there are things like running water, soap, and DEODORANT.
3. Wii Resort--Never again will there be an awkward time when you invite friends over to the house...just pull out the wii resort and challenge your friends to a game.
4. Droid Phones--Today I downloaded "whack-a-mole" for my phone and am an addict now. Fun times. It is just like being at Chuck-E-Cheese.
5. Pedicures--There is nothing that makes me feel like a real princess than having a nice long pedicure and then getting a design painted on my toe nails.
6. Sun Tea--Tea that has been brewed in the sunshine and then poured over a glass full of ice. There is nothing more refreshing on a hot summer day.
7. Mini Golf--It is such fun and it does not matter how bad you are at golf because you are just enjoying the people you are with and the game you are playing. In fact, if you are bad at it, it may make the trip even more fun.
8. New Carpet Smell--We just got a new rug for our living room and when I walk in the door the room just smells so fresh and clean.
9. Five Mile Creek--Classic show from the 80's. It is the complete package. It has adventure, thrills, history, romance, and comedy. It is a shame more of the modern world has never come in contact with this show.
10. Sour Patch Kids--Nothing makes a movie more fun than a box of Sour Patch Kids to share with the one you love.

1 comment:

  1. you have a droid too!?!?! I just got one when we were in IDaho! and you'll never guess!!! I DOWNLOADED WHACK A MOLE TOOOOOO! must be besties!
